Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good news!

My insurance finally approved 12 monthly visits to UCSF + 12 Sandostatin LAR injections. I really had to stay on top of them. I basically had to assume my insurance, and my primary doctor were complete idiots who don't communicate, and call them about everything constantly. But it worked :-D I should start injections next Tuesday as long as they get the med in time. Oh, and my oral GH testing was 1.3, should be <1.


polarchip said...

Ooh! Your GH levels are really close to normal!! Those are your levels with no medication?!?

Struggling with health insurance is SUCH A DRAG. I had to call and call and call and argue and re-argue over every little thing. My BF said insurance companies should be FINED every time they initially decline a charge that they end up admitting they should pay. Makes the whole acromegaly experience much more miserable than necessary.

How do you feel on the shots?

Alecia E. said...

Well that takes care of a lot of extra worry you just don't need with the injections! What a bummer about the GH test, talk about almost passing!! It was SO close. I hope you'll see improvement with the injections!

Starbucks Addict said...

Yeah that's GH levels w/o med. I didn't realize it was so *low*. I have a hard time knowing what the numbers mean exactly still. I'm glad to hear it's low. Even though I can still see the differences in my body and how I feel. I notice my face (nose especially!) is finally starting to get back to normal, yay!

Haha, I wish the insurance companies could be fined for declining legit stuff :-D Seems like they want to give us a hard time hoping we won't follow through.

almu said...

Those levels are great!!! I am also glad to learn about the medication approval,it must be a hard work.
I am really happy for you!