Tuesday, May 1, 2007

My first Sandostatin Shot!

I went to SF for my first 10mg Sandostatin shot. Yay!! My Dr says since my GH was so close to normal, and my last IGF-1 was about 370, he doesn't think I'll need to go over the 10mg Sandostatin, but we'll see in a couple months.

It was all easier than my scary imaginings :-) I imagined a HUGE needle and that it would hurt really badly. But it was very quick and felt like a normal shot. I also have to remember to call an hour before each injection appointment so they can take the medication out of the fridge. Oh yeah, and Dr told me to stay away from fatty foods so I don't get gallstones.


almu said...

it is great that you feel ok after the shot! I am sure that the second will be even better...

Anonymous said...

I had my fifth sandostatin injection this week (20mg) and to be honest I don't really notice any side effects. Maybe a little bloated etc, but nothing really. My Endocrinologist says any side effects usually settle down soon anyway. Never heards about the fatty foods advice....what am I going to eat now?


Alecia E. said...

Glad it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be and that your doctor knows how to make light of the situation. That's probably makes it easier, too. Ah, retail therapy what could be better after a shot like that - ha, ha.

Ken D. Webber said...

take a look at your carb intake. We all need some carbs to live but the tumor turns us into carb addicts. I used to crave french fries, pasta, breads, etc. Excessive carbs produce serotonin... which is what the tumor wants. That's why they usually proscribe dopamine agonists. Dopamine and serotonin are on a teeter-totter in the brain along with acetylcholine (dreams).